Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Search.. And its END~~~

It was a long going search...
A search for happiness,
A search for contentment,
A search for dreams to be realised,
A search for true love
A search for you.....

My search began as an endless journey
People came into my life with a noise
And walked away silently..
Their noise was unpleasant and harsh
And their silence was even more suffocating and killing...

But, it was only you
Who walked in silently..
Waiting for me to realise your unsaid silence
You did not utter a word but still,
Spoke a thousand words..
Understood all my unsaid words..

Your words have always been a hymn for me
Close to my heart, deep down enjoyed and cherished..
The sweet mellow voice of yours
Makes me tap on the rhythm of love..

My search is no more into existence..

For now you are my happiness
You are my contentment
You are my realised dreams
You are my true love
You are an end to my search!!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Empty Vessels.. My mind.. Making noises!!!

I had made a promise to someone that I will be writing at least one post every month for my blog but this time it’s almost the ending of November and I haven’t written a single post... Sorry for that but as i have said this a million times, that I write only when a certain idea tickles my neurons really hard that i HAVE no option but to put that thought into words....

I keep waiting for a million years and try to strangle that very idea, try to simplify it and get on the solution myself but t last when I don’t succeed I have no option but, to pen it down because of the urge growing stronger to do so..
And even this time there is someone responsible enough to make me sit and wonder and write all this.. Thanks a ton to everyone who is responsible for making me fulfil my promise and even making me sit as a stationary object and spend some time with myself...

This just didn’t start a while back but is a long way story but what happened that I made myself think deeply for starting a thought process. It was that whenever I used to visit the boys hostel someone was there who used to complain about that. (Although it was allowed in our campus for girls to visit to the boys hostel) and the guard used to tell me a statement which I could never interpret.

But that statement was responsible for planting the seed into my brain which was dynamite enough to start making my neurons works again. He just said that “aap bura nahi maan na.. Par aapki dosti se koi jalta hai” (don’t feel bad but there is someone who is jealous with your friendship).

This just wasn’t responsible. Even earlier my friends used to come and tell me that people do have certain issues with me. (Which actually are no issues to be bothered about according to me) but then I can just not help my sagacity when it comes to its zenith and tries to solve all the unsolved problems..
This had ticked the clock in my brain and I elapsed into the past where my best friend jyotsana used to tell me that “I am actually weird”..

At that time I did not have the answer but now that the seed has been planted. And ever since then I have been thinking, why is it people do not like me? Why is that most of the people scorn at the mention of my name? Moreover is there really something into me that makes people jealous of me!!!!????

So, what makes people like people? Or what is it that people DO NOT like about people, and how much do I care what others think of me? More ever adding to the mental agony and thoughts is that do people really have so much of time to spare that they can actually wonder about me or is it that I m so very important that they can spare such precious time out from their busy lives and talk about me!!!
Well whatever it may be but the crux of the entire thing can be summed up in one short sentence that it is not me but the people who are weird!!!

wondering what makes me say all this??? or to a higher extent u must be telling yourself or the guy sitting next to you that who the hell is she to say that "we"the people are weird!!!
But it is just not so surprising that you people are getting bothered by such a miniature statement of mine..
Well right now i m not here to criticize somebody or to tell somebody that he or she is wrong while bitching about somebody ...

Just to remember that it is very important to be one self and try empathasing with others because 'A man should firstly direct himself in the direction he has to go.. make his path cleared and then direct and instruct others'!! without knowing oneself one should not comment on anybody for whatever reason it may be...

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our agony and our own creadted factors of jealousy and wrath for others, our presence automatically liberates other people!!!

It is the most important to learn love ourself and live the life we are meant to live...

lastly... lets make ourselves the most important in our lives... just for a simple and petty issue why do we need give somebody soooo very much of impotance that we need to discuss that soul instead of ourselves!!!

Happy to Live... Lucky to go......