Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Long Dark Night...!!!

I had bid him bye, wished him dreams and was trying to comfort my senses and making myself at ease. But, there was a pain which was not letting me relax and made my heart ponder over all the wierdest of the thoughts I could have ever met!

With a sudden rush of hormones into my bloodstream made me realize that it was the unease of not blabbing my heart to him.(it was actually long now dat i didn tell him how much i love him, how much i care for him and he means my world to me!!!)
I checked the time in my cell phone. It was about 3:30 am and i knew he was still awake.
I clicked my fingers as fast as possible on the cell phones keypad and my thoughts were beating my speed. I had so much to say, so much to express but was all out of words!!
I cleared the message i was typing at least three times and then came upto a final draft which was even more pathetic than the last three ones i erased and edited but then i decided to send the message.
I conveyed him what I wanted to, although in bits and parts but was now feeling relaxed.

I then again realised that sleep was nowhere near me. I knew the reason, and even knew that he would never respond back so its just useless waiting for his reply but I could not convince my heart for believing that. The clock was rushing its speed and i was still lying awake in a hope that he might just say 'Thank you' or 'Take care'. But, in the back of my mind i knew he never would. The sun started spreading its rays and i was still awake in a hope.
He never bothered to retort back ( I would have been happy even if he would have said some nasty words..)

I am still awake in a hope that someday he will understand what i feel for him and he will once atleast reciprocate back.

My long dark night will come to an end. It will be a bright day someday....!!!
