Sunday, May 6, 2007

Search for happiness.....

In the words of my sweetheart's favorite author Richard Bach:
"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it."

I read this line and it again made me sit for a while and ponder again as to the way we live our life is right or not??? are we leading our life in a right direction or not????? well the answer came again by the very fact that do whatever u do with full dedication and commitment that at last u are satisfied and feel happy by accomplishing that particular task!!! That is one way i feel i did find my way to true happiness......

But not to be mistaken!!! i still have that very attitude which says...

"What's the use of worrying?

It never was worth while,
So pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag,
And smile, smile, smile."

According to me one will never be happy if he or she continues to search for what happiness consists of as it is similar as one never lives if he or she looks for the meaning of life.
Happiness comes in small packets and we must try and grab those small pieces of life for they only knock once and make our life worthwhile.... We generally overlook those things which provide us happiness in that very moment and try to look forward to bigger packages.... and in this turn we actually get upset for we don get any!!!
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.Take in for instance i feel really happy over smallest of things that nobody would ever feel happy on!! like if i get a morning message from my friend or love.. or even if i get a call from my sweetheart who just calls me up from his busy schedule to tell me that he was missing me!!! or wen my best friend gives me a surprise small birthday cake prepared by her or my college friends gimme a surprise birthday treat which i already knew (i mean it was no surprise for me)........
All such incidents keep me feel connected to happiness and life..... i love leading my life the very way it is..... but still at times i feel there is something lacking!!!!
and when i sat today and gazed at this question as to why i m still not feeling happy despite of the fact that i have everything at its level best..... these things include:
  1. Supportive and understanding family.
  2. parents as good as friends
  3. helping friends
  4. my shadow... i.e. my best friend josie
  5. a loving sweetheart(my guide my mentor)
so what else do i need for true happiness..... and then it struck me.... that my expectations from everybody around kills my happiness... but then "expectations is a merely wild word.....for we expect things only from the people we are related to and if we don expect anything from them then it means the relation is dead... its no more..." so again the problem remains stuck up and yet not fixed up.... We all are bonded into some or the other relation with each other ... for even if we don know each other still are connected as strangers... so i think that there is certain connection between every individual.. so for this reason is it that "Love is the condition in which the 'Happiness' of another person is essential to your own"

but to sum up this all what i feel is that:

"When we have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, we know that the person can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him; and we are torn by the thought of the unhappiness and night we cast, by the mere fact of living, in the hearts we encounter."


Shubham said...


You have written a thoughtful blog on true meaning of happiness.
I agree with all your suppositions and conclusions, in that we need to grab even a flicker of happiness and cherish it as if it were a conflagaration, an inferno.

I recently saw this movie, "Pursuit of Happiness" and my favorite pericope was that happiness is something that can only be pursued, in that, even if we attain happiness, we fail to realize it.

The cliche analogy that is most appropriate for happiness is that... normally we focus on our end result - be it getting good marks, or winning a medal in a race - and we fail to realize that the happiness lies not only in the desirable result, but also the process - Enjoy what you are studying, and love the taste of sweat when you are jogging.

When setting sights on a mountain peak, enjoy the sights that you pass by - the waterfalls, the valleys, the birds and the cool breeze.

This concept that is now becoming more popular in western cultures, has been omnipresent in the Indian culture - especially in the principle of performing actions or Karma without the expectations of favorable results as mentioned in the bhagawad gita.

Now, I am not an expert on the subject of happiness, and face many predicaments, arduous tasks, and dilemmas. I don't take them lightly either, but these are some ideals, that are excessively hard to follow (much easier to preach btw!!!), but in the few situations that I have implemented them, they have definitely worked...

If I am sad about something, I would still think about how I am a National Scholar of India and that I am supposed to represent my country with utmost effort and perseverance.

So Smile, and be Happy mes amis :-)

Anonymous said...

its a a v.nice thot u r sharing with us...sonal...n thank u for evrything u consider me in ur one has ever been so luving as u.....i luv u 2 n wish u always be happy....god bless u my honey buns.

abhi said...

expectations is a merely wild word...nice thought...dis was d best thng acc 2 me, dis part abt expectations...
i feel dat expecting anythng frm nyone aint d right thng 2 do, we shud live life as we v dun expect nythng 4m any1, this wil help us reduce our dependency on ppl around us, n whn v expct thngs, n they dun happen, it makes us feel sad n dejected...
so if v plan as v dun expect nythng 4m ny1, wat evr v get wil act as a bonus...

Anonymous said...

heya...yaar u never thot u think sooo much..waise acha likha hai..seriously..gr8 work..
n btw..who's d sweetheart??? ;) bata de yaar...

Anonymous said...

Be like this only....thank god u still dont know the diffrence between the small and big things in THIS life.