Monday, July 9, 2007

Are u Missing something out here???

Hmmmmm..... so even u all guys are yet again sitting in front of this screen and eroding your fingers and paining your eyes???? Well there must be some kind of reason behind u all sitting over there(mostly u all are big shots with tonnes of work loaded on ur shoulders which cant be accomplished without this machine or any other machine for that matter!!!)
Now coming to me..... u must be thinking as to who i m to comment on u all... it was just lately that i realized something that we r missing something very important part of r life...
To begin with i wud actually like to ask u all a few questions:
  • since how long have u noticed a sun setting down into the clouds??
  • When was it the last that u gazed up at the darkness of night sky being removed by the twinkling stars and bright moon light??
  • Was it a day before that u appreciated chirping of birds, soft breeze blowing and layering u like a velvet or even a blooming bud turning into a beautiful flower???
  • Did u go on a stroll on the roadside holding the hand of ur beloved or ur hanging around on ur friends arms last evening??
Lets not be amazed if the answer of all these questions is to be thought about or u don remember or the last option.... naaahhh not frequently..... cos we don have time for all this!!!

why do we forget the fact that
we will find something far greater in the woods than we will find in books. Stones and trees will teach us that which we will never learn from masters.

We try to please God by worshiping Him and try getting closer to Him but we never notice nor do ponder over the fact that he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. In fact God is friend of silence. We must see how nature- trees, flowers, grass grow in silence.... we shall see the stars, the moon and the sun moving in silence... so even we all need silence and calmness out of our world and business to touch their souls!!!

Closeness to NATURE... Have u had have the enough time to even once peep into natures lap and feel its beauty..........????? Its never too late... try doing it at this moment only!!!!
u'll for sure enjoy it and get that mental peace and satisfaction....


Anonymous said...

well..... u never cease to maze me by ur writting skills ever...n this one , babes uoutdid all d previous times.
gud , gr8 ......n keep writing...(fwd karne ke kaam ataa hai...heheheh ..jst kiddin')
luv u naughty elves

Shivani said...

hey...gr8 work yaar...n very true..its actually what we all is this days..u caught t right nerve...keep bless.

Anonymous said...

chalti kya badkal lake

Anonymous said...

now its time to come back from Badkal

Anonymous said...

I stopped day dreaming a long time back. Feel like listening “country road take me home”…..wishful thinking……….. good work ..keep it up

Anonymous said...

Be like this only....thank god u still dont know the diffrence between the small and big things in THIS life.