Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Josie Posie !!!!

This one is just for u my darling Josie......

I have a friend
Who is perfect for me
She listens to all my problems
No matter how dumb they may be

She likes herself for who she is
And never tries to change
She tells me to be myself
And that I should never change

She was shy on the phone
But she would still call
And we would talk for hours
About nothing at all

We would talk about love and life
And discuss what we wanted to be
She knew just how I felt
And how happy I could be

She listens to me patiently
But never judges what I do or say
She helped with all my problems
And never went away

I never once felt judged by her
How much that meant to me
That I could tell her all my dreams
And she would listen to me

My friend never goes and tells
What is dear to me
She keeps it all bottled up inside
And doesn't spread it like a bee

I am thankful for that friend of mine
Our friendship will never end
And she will always be there

For she is my best friend.............................................................................................

Monday, December 3, 2007

!!!!!~~~~Friends Forever~~~~!!!!!

WOOOf!!!!!!! the amazing long drive on a super romantic day on the express way..... It was himanhsu driving his Laura....

A freak out at the adventure island..... That was one of the most adventourous day of my life....

That bus drive.. waiting at the bus stand,, then waiting at the metro station, endless ride on the metro ..... ultimately covering 45kms to reach home via an auto.......

And the best part.... riding on the devils ride 7 times and laughing like a maniac.......

Enjoyed like one does on a scary hell night!!!!

What say??? Thats the card Party at Home sweet Home.....

This is Life....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An insight .... illumination about myself!!

You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.
You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.
At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Eternal Love!!!!

I've built a world around you And I want you to know I need you like I never needed Anyone before I live my life for you I wanna be by your side In everything that you do And if there's only one thing You can believe it's true I live my life for you....
Everyday That Goez By It Seemz Like I Discover Somethíng New about You To Love It'z Incredíble To Me How One Per§on Can Make Such A *BIG* Dífference In My Lífe You Touch Me In A Way No One Else Ever Haz And Gíve Me So Many Reasonz To Love You
I know that time can never change the love I have for you... Except to make it deeper still with everything we do...... In all my dreams of coming years, you play the greatest part, for I know that time will never change the love within my heart...
The emptiness is killing me slowly as i wipe the tears that fall from my eyes,I realize u're really gone.... My heart breaks as it crumbles to the floor,I drop to my knees unaware of what to do. I close my eyes and picture you,I see your face,your smile...... I feel your arms around me holding me tightly,so tightly I can't breath,I gasp for air......

All alone, scared....Thats how I feel without you ...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Are u Missing something out here???

Hmmmmm..... so even u all guys are yet again sitting in front of this screen and eroding your fingers and paining your eyes???? Well there must be some kind of reason behind u all sitting over there(mostly u all are big shots with tonnes of work loaded on ur shoulders which cant be accomplished without this machine or any other machine for that matter!!!)
Now coming to me..... u must be thinking as to who i m to comment on u all... it was just lately that i realized something that we r missing something very important part of r life...
To begin with i wud actually like to ask u all a few questions:
  • since how long have u noticed a sun setting down into the clouds??
  • When was it the last that u gazed up at the darkness of night sky being removed by the twinkling stars and bright moon light??
  • Was it a day before that u appreciated chirping of birds, soft breeze blowing and layering u like a velvet or even a blooming bud turning into a beautiful flower???
  • Did u go on a stroll on the roadside holding the hand of ur beloved or ur hanging around on ur friends arms last evening??
Lets not be amazed if the answer of all these questions is to be thought about or u don remember or the last option.... naaahhh not frequently..... cos we don have time for all this!!!

why do we forget the fact that
we will find something far greater in the woods than we will find in books. Stones and trees will teach us that which we will never learn from masters.

We try to please God by worshiping Him and try getting closer to Him but we never notice nor do ponder over the fact that he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. In fact God is friend of silence. We must see how nature- trees, flowers, grass grow in silence.... we shall see the stars, the moon and the sun moving in silence... so even we all need silence and calmness out of our world and business to touch their souls!!!

Closeness to NATURE... Have u had have the enough time to even once peep into natures lap and feel its beauty..........????? Its never too late... try doing it at this moment only!!!!
u'll for sure enjoy it and get that mental peace and satisfaction....

What am i ?????

Once surfing through the internet while i was bedridden for a few days i was so jerked up that didn have the courage to face the truth i came across after taking a particular kind of personality test... it said:

"You are strange and full of contrasts... the oddball of your group.
You are unrelenting and you have unlimited ambition.
Not always liked but always admired, you are more infamous than famous.
You are aggressive and spontaneous, and your reactions are often unexpected.
A jealous and passionate person, you are difficult in romantic relationships."

I know u must be wondering as to why m i telling u all this .. ??? i just wondered at the amazing 5 lines in which they describe me and thought that is this all really true??

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

whether yes or no.. i want all the known people reading this blog to please leave their precious comments as to what do u think about all this and even what more do u think about me...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Search for happiness.....

In the words of my sweetheart's favorite author Richard Bach:
"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it."

I read this line and it again made me sit for a while and ponder again as to the way we live our life is right or not??? are we leading our life in a right direction or not????? well the answer came again by the very fact that do whatever u do with full dedication and commitment that at last u are satisfied and feel happy by accomplishing that particular task!!! That is one way i feel i did find my way to true happiness......

But not to be mistaken!!! i still have that very attitude which says...

"What's the use of worrying?

It never was worth while,
So pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag,
And smile, smile, smile."

According to me one will never be happy if he or she continues to search for what happiness consists of as it is similar as one never lives if he or she looks for the meaning of life.
Happiness comes in small packets and we must try and grab those small pieces of life for they only knock once and make our life worthwhile.... We generally overlook those things which provide us happiness in that very moment and try to look forward to bigger packages.... and in this turn we actually get upset for we don get any!!!
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.Take in for instance i feel really happy over smallest of things that nobody would ever feel happy on!! like if i get a morning message from my friend or love.. or even if i get a call from my sweetheart who just calls me up from his busy schedule to tell me that he was missing me!!! or wen my best friend gives me a surprise small birthday cake prepared by her or my college friends gimme a surprise birthday treat which i already knew (i mean it was no surprise for me)........
All such incidents keep me feel connected to happiness and life..... i love leading my life the very way it is..... but still at times i feel there is something lacking!!!!
and when i sat today and gazed at this question as to why i m still not feeling happy despite of the fact that i have everything at its level best..... these things include:
  1. Supportive and understanding family.
  2. parents as good as friends
  3. helping friends
  4. my shadow... i.e. my best friend josie
  5. a loving sweetheart(my guide my mentor)
so what else do i need for true happiness..... and then it struck me.... that my expectations from everybody around kills my happiness... but then "expectations is a merely wild word.....for we expect things only from the people we are related to and if we don expect anything from them then it means the relation is dead... its no more..." so again the problem remains stuck up and yet not fixed up.... We all are bonded into some or the other relation with each other ... for even if we don know each other still are connected as strangers... so i think that there is certain connection between every individual.. so for this reason is it that "Love is the condition in which the 'Happiness' of another person is essential to your own"

but to sum up this all what i feel is that:

"When we have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, we know that the person can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him; and we are torn by the thought of the unhappiness and night we cast, by the mere fact of living, in the hearts we encounter."

My advent into a newer life...

Well to begin i would actually like to thank all the concerned people who made me come and sit in front of this bugging screen and tap my fingers on this typewriter alike keyboard forcing me to think for all what i never thought i will...... all the credit goes to them and to the mental agony and torture given by them!!! well to be true its actually really beneficial for me for the reason i m today back to MY own life... i m back to what i was earlier!!! and i m really happy for myself..... thanx to everybody responsible for it......

Now coming to the point where my mind is running faster than my hands on this keyboard i would firstly like to tell all the very people reading this blog that why am i naming this entry as my advent into a newer life.... just for a simple reason that from today onwards i have decided to live a life which makes me feel really really happy and free... the most Easiest way according to me to find happiness is just be with "who cares attitude..." and trust me u'll start living ur life that day!!! the next question hopping into my mind is that how to achieve this... and i can guarantee you that if a super emotional and highly sentimental girl like me could achieve it then it is very much possible for u!!!!!

well it just takes a few instances to realize that u and ur life is going in a wrong direction and we really need to work upon it in order to get the real meaning of happiness......
1. wen u start over thinking about one issue.
2. wen something done by someone starts hurting u badly.
3. for no good reasons u start feeling upset, worried and insecure.
4. u have sudden mood swings.....

not really these are the only symptoms of life taking a wrong direction and u being unhappy but for me they were the very responsible ones!!!!!

now what did i do.......
1. stopped thinking about everybody except for myself...(may be i m selfish now)... but whats wrong even if i m and that makes me happy???
2. i started with my who cares attitude!!!
3. have actually learned that if its u then there is world and its not the other way round!!!
4. i only do things what i feel are right and what i enjoy doing... i don do things anymore asked by people for them!!!!!

well its just the beginning.... may be i m wrong in my approach of finding true happiness but then at last it is again a thing as who cares.... i m happy this way so let me be....!!!!!