Friday, June 27, 2008

If you are Gone...

You‘ve been there in times bright,
To remind me of the darkness,
To show me light,
When I gave myself to those miserable nights...

You’ve been there all this time,
I don't want you to slip away from my hands,
leaving me alone, remorse and in pain...
It’s not a game that we’ve been playing,
‘Coz games have their rules defined....
I define “void”, Me without you,
this void would vanish forever,
For it’s the truth if you would be gone.
Hearty giggles, precious tears,
Long night chats, and missing you everywhere..
Unanswered questions, pieces of time, Some things you’d leave behind!
As the teeth of time sink into us
the bond grows stronger,
Something makes me realize
If you are gone
Life would have no meaning,
Nothing at all..............!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Journey into The Unknown!!! With the known....

A step into a complete unknown yet a much known world…
A step into a new phase of life…
A step into an entire new journey called life…
A step putting forward in order to look behind…
A step stepping up to never look down….
A step taking on and on to never turn back…
A step to furnish my life, my soul and search happiness….

Sitting back and lying down on the sea side... Gazing at the open sky which is full of the dusky hues, the beauty of sunset makes the water of the sea look so calm yet is disturbed internally, the ever expanding horizon and the star fishes and coral reefs all by the seashore….
Isn’t our life very similar to all this??? At least mine is…
Anyways I ain’t here to talk about this but rather to tell you all that I’ll soon be stepping into an entire new world. My so called world of post- graduation. This post graduation is to take place into an entire new country and with entire new lot of people where I m not expecting anything but living frugally on surprises!!!

Feeling of loneliness, insecurity and despair bubbles inside me and make me really scared and apprehensive to enter into this mysterious world …
A journey of the unknown where the worst can take place and the best is yet to be seen..
Waiting if I could see the miracle of a single flower blooming clearly, my whole life would change…
But thank you all (my new clan. IMT Dubai clan, my new friends) for making things really easy and simple for me and helping me develop a belief that this new universe will show me a new way and make me reach the pinnacle of the avalanche I am about to start climbing… I just read this somewhere: "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead. Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead. "

So this post is dedicated to You all .... "Like branches of a tree we will grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other's."

This goes for you all.. And sorry people if I m annoying you by using some of your pics without seeking permission from you but I guess I think you are my friends and hence taking all this for granted………
These are the views and perceptions I made about you all and I m being very true and fair to myself while writing this. I just don’t mean to hurt or disturb anybody’s emotions and feeling. For we all are the same but just that are liked by someone and disliked by someone else………..

But all in all i would like to tell you all one thing; Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend -- or a meaningful day.

Ankita Batra- Had I started in alphabetical order even then your name would definitely come on the top, and the main reason is that you were the first one to make me believe what if all others are not as good as me or actually don’t match my mental status but you’ll be there with me and we both will make sure to execute all the plans we knit sitting in amity..
People this girl is really sweet and very peppy (arpit that is according to you).. she is very true to herself and has made me learn to be the same.
This sleek, samrt, slender soul has a real tough girl inside her to fight the world!!! She carries that gentle disposition on her face who aided me in my hard times.. Thanx a lot for being there when I needed you the most!!!
Hopefully we’ll be the roommates and will make sure to utilize all the potential that we have aimed at. Sweetheart please be the same forever!!!

Next is Mr. Arpit Uniyal
Arpit on a very true note I would like to tell you that you are one of those rarest gems that I have cherished being friends with. I truly admire you for tolerating me and my sarcasms over you and ur photographs. Ok but that does not mean you don’t remain ‘champu’.. U always be that. Mr. stylo.. You always look out at everything with style...
Well you are born with a hell lot of patience and tolerance for all the world’s weirdest things which even includes me. I love your company and truly enjoy it. You give me such wonderful company in bitching about people and you actually understand what I really mean to say (hopefully)!!!You are a gem of a person who is somehow really close to my heart. You are a sweetheart and one of the guys in demand… lol!!! Well I’ll always be there for you even if you aren’t there for me…………

Then is Mr Ankur The Great!!! (sorry pic not available)
We do not share a lot many things but have two things in common… firstly the city, then our reading tastes.. Yes please don’t be surprised for even he has a great taste and passion for reading. He is even a voracious reader!!!
And if you analyze him on a larger perspective then you’ll find out that this man is one big time leader. He has immense power and courage to take an initiative and moreover he makes it sure that he gives the task a proper shape and ends it beautifully!!! Thanx to You Ankur for making the delhi meet possible and giving it a true shape…
He can laugh his heart out… If leadership at one time meant muscles; today it means getting along with people so Ankur is a deadly combo of both!!! He makes it a point to keep you updated via his posts on community and all and utmost important he reads my posts on blog and even appreciates them!!!! lol!! That is rarely done by anyone!!!

So next is Miss Gorgeous REEMA......
Reema what should I say about you girl!!! You already have bowled out all the other pretty lasses with your personified charm and charisma!! You are one of the souls who is very pure at heart and the worst thing in you is that you dont find any thing wrong in anybody ... Lord!! It really becomes so difficult bitching about people with you.. You are really pure and very genuine.. One confession girl.. Earlier I thought you were fast and a girl with lot of attitude but sweets you made me proove wrong!!! Seriously happy to find a friend like you....

Ok now these have been the people whom I have met in person but there is a group of people whom I have'nt met and they have a made such a special strong bond with me that it would be really unfair on my part of not mentioning them!!!

When I honestly ask myself which person in my lives mean the most to me, I often find that it is that who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, has chosen rather to share my pain and touch my wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with me in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with me in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate now knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.

And I did find all of this into all three of you!! Nikhil, Rishit and Rahul....

You have been like stars... I don't always see You, but I know you're always there.

You all have tolerated my tantrums, my sarcams, my taunts, have laughed with me, have understood my problems and the most important have always been there whenever I needed you... Specially Nikhil and Rishit.....

But summing this all does not mean I m not game for writing for three of you individually!!!

Rishit Kejriwal: Does his photograph not say everything??? Calm, Quiet.... That what he is!! He actually is a silent bomb!! He is an introvert person who rarely talks but once he starts he never does stop!!! and the best is yet to come... He is a brain... Very serious and focused.. A huge big box of PJ's... But he is one person whom you can reach anytime and everytime.. He can solve your problem within minutes... My critic and my partner in analyzing people and commenting on them!!! Very caring and concerned... He is the only one who has the hottest deals about all the gizmos and gadgets and computers... He is my travel planner for Dubai... To sum up he is one helluuvvaa sweet pies... And hopefully you must be enjoying his 'sonal free' days.. And dont mind cos I did praise you in the begining..... Take care dear Friend!!!

Ahem Ahem!!! Now is the turn of a very sweet nepali gujju...
Mr. Rahul Batavia: No I aint telling anyone what does this nepali gujju mean!! You will figure it out soon... Rahbat bhai.... That is what most of the people know him as!!! Well to begin with he is a real honey bunch... Never minds whatever i say!! I eat up his head while he is at work... He has mindblowing hindi... (yes that is a taunt Mr Rahbat)
He is a gym freak!! and I have promised him to teach salsa and play basketball once we reach IMT Dubai... Well right now I m not getting many words to describe him but I m sure will do that very soon!!!
Love ya buddy for your liveliness and optimism... Will definitely look forward to meet you soon and be better friends!!!

Last But not the least Mr. Apple...(sorry did not find a better pic than this!!)
I mean Mr. Nikhil Parab....
He is one of his kinds who actually can sell ice in Himalyas.. Can make you laugh untill you dont get churn ups in ur stomach!!! Can actually embarrass you anywhere and everywhere!!!
My Teamie..... I would just like to say this for you...
Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay."
And I found such a friend in you, I feel happy and complete going to a new world because now I need not worry. I have a forever friend, and forever has no end." Right Teamie???

In the end I would just like to say that it is only because of all of you that i have been able to see bright dreams..
I am really looking forward to A great Journey... Everyday will be a journey.. And every journey will be my home.....................

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A letter To The SUNSHINE.....

P.S. ok... i know this is supposedly an end part in any writings and communications but i have to mention it at the top because i want you all to know that i have derived the meaning of my name SONAL from sunshine.... Sonal is the golden colour given to the clouds by the sunshine during the dawn... hence sunshine forms the very essential part of my existance... of my life and most importantly of my being myself!!!

It was about 10 in the morning on 14th of May 2008... How can i forget this date?? I was writing my compensation and reward management exam that suddenly there was a thunder striking.. All went into complete darkness... It seemed that the clouds have engulfed the daylight and covered the sky with the blanket of darkness.. It was precisely a night during the day...

The sun was there, the stars were there, the sky was there, the wind, the rain, the trees every thing et all was there... But there was something missing... and that was Sunshine........

The emptiness in the sky, the darkness in the day, the gobbling nature of whether all was due to one reason... The missing Sunshine~~~~~~~~~

This is a letter to That missing sunshine whom we all forget in the light and presence of sun... afterall when the sunshine gathers it is then and only then that sun is called the SUN!!! We tend to forget the presence of small things in our life and even miss out their importance but then we ought to realize that these small things only make up our life beautiful, happy, fortunate and providential.

So here goes my letter to Sunshine just to request her to stay in my life forever.....

Dearest Sunshine,
People always say that 'A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods' but they often for get that it is always better ' to make hay while there is sunshine'... I have been dearly missing you and want you to come back into mylife again... I want to sing, dance, cry, laugh and see all the beautiful colours of life with you......
Wake up sunshine, this is your day..Come and see me for I have lots to say...
I really miss you when you leave making me feel lonely and blue!!!
From the heavens will rain tears of grief...
Wake up sunshine there's something you should see
There sits your loving me...
I cried so hard to call you back
Dont want anybody but only your thy lap!!!
and even you know that its no time to laeve me...
Wake up sunshine, for I wont be alright if you arent here!!!
You are my gaurdian angel... You are my flight,
You are my only love, You are my light!!!
You are my happiness ,you are my luck....
Dont be so late that I'll get you in the end...
when my life will wait to get you back in the next life!!!
Give my name the meaning you ought too...
Dont ever leave me.... I'll die without you....
You are the pleasue i have always desired...
You are pure you are divine!!!!

Hope to see u soon back into my life...
Waiting for your awaited reply
Love u forever
Sonal Sunshine.......

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stranger.. True Love or True Friendship????

"A stranger you were once.

Then, with a gentle look you took my hand.
As our lives engaged,you lit my life and I held both your hands.
Now that i want decades to pass this way... so that ours souls indeed become one.
How fortunate we are that we have found the love so true that everyone dreams about."

Dont be like surprised to see back on blogging and stuff... Firstly I ask for a big apology for not coming on this blog and writing my thoughts over here. Prerna this goes for you too my li’l sis who complained me about not coming out here..
Ok now coming to the main point as to why I have come here and who actually is behind me coming over here and putting my mind at work and making my thoughts again run at a greater speed than I can actually handle them..

It was just last night that I realized the purest and truest form of love ever... All that came after having like a two and a half hour chat with Mr. X. I confess out publicly that I have fallen deply in love with Mr. Jo Bhi (pls dont anuone dares ask me who is Mr. X...) and I really wanted to be with him but anyhow the circumstances are such that I cant even afford to think about all this. But that does not mean that I have stopped dreaming about this happening or not hoping that things wont turn out in my favour .. in fact I have started seeing dreams in which I am painting my dreams and they are turning into reality. I see every dream being realized and that too with the same colours that I wished them to be filled with….

My Dreams are as Rosy and as Pretty as nobody can even imagine.... The beauty of my Dreams lies In My Eyes....

There is a man named Mr. X for me and you all even... I have just been talking to him for hardly a week but i have fallen for him in this span... I dont know much abut him rather i just know what all he has told me about himself but then do we really need to give ourselves and life only to people whom we know very well???
I actually realized that it is wrong to think that love comes from long companionshipand persevering courtship. But Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, itwill not be created... What i mean to say is that he was a complete stranger to me with whom i shared the best compatibility level i could have shared with anybody else... He gave me so much of space without even making me realize that he has occupied the most of it.... I fell for him so naturally that i didn even realize that..... I just couldn help myself ...
He has taught me the very basic fundas of love and light... Just because you know someone doesn't mean you love them, and just because you don't know people doesn't mean you can't love them. You can fall in love with a complete stranger in a heartbeat, if God planned that route for you. So open your heart to strangers more often. You never know when God will throwthat pass at you. He was a stranger but now he knows me even more than i know myself....
I know you all must be thinking that I have lost my mind that i beieved that man so much that i expressed my feelings for him straight on his face (yes he does know that i love him) but then i didn trust him much as i trusted the faith deep down inside my heart...Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark...
But the biggest question lying in front of me is that how will I make myself understand regarding all this ...
Pls dont tell me to stop thinking about him because that is just impossible....

But to conclude I would just like to say one thing...

"I have learnt that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance... Same goes for true love.. Where you find true friendship you find True Love......."

I'll try to be his best friend now on will make him my best friend!!!!