Saturday, June 7, 2008

A letter To The SUNSHINE.....

P.S. ok... i know this is supposedly an end part in any writings and communications but i have to mention it at the top because i want you all to know that i have derived the meaning of my name SONAL from sunshine.... Sonal is the golden colour given to the clouds by the sunshine during the dawn... hence sunshine forms the very essential part of my existance... of my life and most importantly of my being myself!!!

It was about 10 in the morning on 14th of May 2008... How can i forget this date?? I was writing my compensation and reward management exam that suddenly there was a thunder striking.. All went into complete darkness... It seemed that the clouds have engulfed the daylight and covered the sky with the blanket of darkness.. It was precisely a night during the day...

The sun was there, the stars were there, the sky was there, the wind, the rain, the trees every thing et all was there... But there was something missing... and that was Sunshine........

The emptiness in the sky, the darkness in the day, the gobbling nature of whether all was due to one reason... The missing Sunshine~~~~~~~~~

This is a letter to That missing sunshine whom we all forget in the light and presence of sun... afterall when the sunshine gathers it is then and only then that sun is called the SUN!!! We tend to forget the presence of small things in our life and even miss out their importance but then we ought to realize that these small things only make up our life beautiful, happy, fortunate and providential.

So here goes my letter to Sunshine just to request her to stay in my life forever.....

Dearest Sunshine,
People always say that 'A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods' but they often for get that it is always better ' to make hay while there is sunshine'... I have been dearly missing you and want you to come back into mylife again... I want to sing, dance, cry, laugh and see all the beautiful colours of life with you......
Wake up sunshine, this is your day..Come and see me for I have lots to say...
I really miss you when you leave making me feel lonely and blue!!!
From the heavens will rain tears of grief...
Wake up sunshine there's something you should see
There sits your loving me...
I cried so hard to call you back
Dont want anybody but only your thy lap!!!
and even you know that its no time to laeve me...
Wake up sunshine, for I wont be alright if you arent here!!!
You are my gaurdian angel... You are my flight,
You are my only love, You are my light!!!
You are my happiness ,you are my luck....
Dont be so late that I'll get you in the end...
when my life will wait to get you back in the next life!!!
Give my name the meaning you ought too...
Dont ever leave me.... I'll die without you....
You are the pleasue i have always desired...
You are pure you are divine!!!!

Hope to see u soon back into my life...
Waiting for your awaited reply
Love u forever
Sonal Sunshine.......


Mahesh said...

I can't believe that Sonal has written this post.

Wow is the only one word that comes across my mind when i finished reading this post. The writing has a lot of maturity and highlights the pain when something we want and adore is missing in life.

We generally don't know the value of a person or a thing when we have it, but we do understand the true value of the same person or a thing when we lose it or when we have left it behind.

Keep up the good work and keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Thanx a lot charlie!!!
its just a compliment for me that atleast somebody could understand what i meant to say!!!
thanx a lot buddy!!!

Anonymous said...

hey sonal!! frst of all i really wanna congratualte u fr not evryone has d talent to look beyond d serenity of d beauty god has bestowed n relate it to a personal life!!!
it was touching,beautiful n a very grown up attempt dat i truly appreciate!!
i can sense d desire to be wid ur loved one at ny cost in life,n dats amazing!! keep up d good work n enlighten us alwz!!
breathtaking beauty in d article!!!

Anonymous said...

My god gurl!!!
can u write!!!! woww... jst wow...
i mean d intertwining of words wid d rhyming and ur felings..FABULOUS>>

D hi-point 4 me was d meaning of SONAL.. n my god woman!! how beautifully hve u xpressd d meaning n put it dwn in wrds...

althgh u could do wid sme polishin arnd d edges of ur articlew.. but all in all gr8 job!!

atrictly speakn.. u hve tremendous writin potential.. oh yes u do!!..

IN d end...

''''''''SHINE ON GULR''''''''''

InscruttableAnkzz said...

Sonal is a very beautiful name..and yeah it signifies the beautiful sunshine that makes sun what is and that sunshine is you to your friends..and we surely wouldnt wanna miss our sunshine sonal..:) you have aptly said sometimes we found the value of things only after they have left us,cause until then as human mind is we take it all for granted..I wish the sunshine in your life remains there for ever...